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Horizon Zimbabwe Report April 2022

This season came with different experiences that negatively affected our yields. The rains delayed from the onset and in the middle of the season we experienced some cyclone that flooded the fields. There was no joy at all, as the floods were followed very high temperature with little rainfall here and there. Maize, ground nuts and beans projects were immensely affected. The rainfall patterns disturbed more the project in Mt Darwin as the first heavy rainfall was experienced on the 31st of December 2021. We are expected to get about 5 tons of maize, 4 tons of groundnuts, and 1 ton of beans given the space we utilized. Now the estimate is 2 tons of maize, 1 ton of ground nuts and ¼ ton of beans. Besides the regressions aforementioned, we are also continuing fairly well in gardening. Vegetables are doing quite well, however, the climate and environmental factors continue pressuring us to have a greenhouse if we are to achieve more through the gardening project. The roadrunners’ projects are continuing. We have done fairly well despite different challenges of diseases confronting the birds in and around the season. Some were treatable and some only caused

Borrowdale Children Home

We are delighted that we continue running the broilers’ chicken project. It has been quite some experiences with this project this year. We had 700 birds from the onset from one batch. We got them on the 4th of March 2022. These 700 birds started very well. Our expertise and experience were compromised by the economic hardships in Zimbabwe and our unpreparedness with alternative options to which detrimental consequences were witnessed. From the 6th of March to the 16th, we had serious power outages because of burnt power lines. After the critical situation we altered to the usage of coal. That really disturbed the running of the project and our expected outcome. As if the power problem was not enough, we also ran out of water. Suh projects inevitable requires huge amount of water. For continuity we had to alternate by buying water from elsewhere. These challenges cost us.

Sanitary ware distribution

Horizon Zimbabwe continues helping communities in poverty through different ways. Approximately 200 women received reusable sanitary wear in the last 3 months. The beneficiaries include the Muslim community who received sanitary wear in bulk. Students in schools also benefited from reusable sanitary wear. Sensitization programs is part of our primal goals and women are receiving education on health issues more often. Horizon Zimbabwe gathers girls and women in groups and help them realize their worth as well as important health issues.

Daniel Academy

As part of help with self-sustenance projects Horizon Zimbabwe Is supporting the less privileged who are not academically gifted with business initiatives. Secondhand clothes are being issued and it is going.

Dzivaresekwa - We are glad that Daniel Academy in Dzivaresekwa is being roofed. We hope to enroll a number of children as soon as it is completed. There is still more to do; however, we believe God for all resources needed to complete it. We believe; this is one of the strongest pillars to succeed. Our school in Epworth is doing well. A number of students are currently sitting for their ordinary level, national examinations. We value education; so is our children.

Epworth- We continue to be helping orphans and vulnerable children in Epworth through Daniel Academy Christian School. We have more than 30 students writing Ordinary level this year. Our total enrollment to date is about 155 children. We always offer them Christian education and psychosocial support. Our children have been limited to reading material and online material; to make matters their schools are comparatively disadvantaged. We always encourage them to work hard in school and lack of other resources at times deter the progress. We are grateful with where God has reached thus far. Our orientation towards such

Mount Darwin Project

Mt Darwin Children’s Home join hand in the construction of Nyamuti Eternal Word Ministries Church in Mount Darwin. The church is located in children’s home catchment area. The children’s home regards Christian Education as one of its pillars where children are taught Christian values and morals from a tender age.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ' (Prov. 22:6.)

The Nyamuti Church is also a center for sensitization programs towards children and youth. Psychosocial support, support groups and life skill training as well as community development programs will be offered there through Mt Darwin Children’s Home initiatives. The work is still more in order to complete the facility. The building is now at roof level and more resources are needed to support such a critical project in Mashonaland Central Province. It is our wish and prayer that it is completed as soon as possible for different programs to enroll.

Kuwadzana Church Project

Horizon Zimbabwe also joins hands in the construction of Kuwafdzana Eternal Word Ministries Church in Harare. The church is located in children’s home catchment area where a lot of activities have been taking place. It is the church where Dawnview Children’s Home kids attend.

The children’s home regards Christian Education as one of its pillars where children are taught Christian values and morals from a tender age.

Genesis 18:19; For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.”

Kuwadzana Church is also a center for sensitization programs towards children and youth. Psycho-social support, support groups and life skill training as well as community development programs will be offered there. The work is still more in order to complete the facility. The Youth Hall is almost complete, and the Main Auditorium is at Foundation stage and evidently more resources are needed to support such a critical project. It is our wish and prayer that it is completed as soon as possible for different programs to enroll and for the less privileged to benefit spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.

Dawnview Childrens Home

Dawnview children’s home is almost ready to accommodate orphans and vulnerable children. The home is need of security fence (wall), furniture, kitchen properties, water pump and few interior touch ups. As soon as these are available upon approval of Social Welfare Department, orphans will be accommodated. We pray for the resources. Our home visitations really witnessed some difficulties children are experiencing in communities they are staying. The economic hardships in Zimbabwe continue exerting pressure on extended families staying with these orphans. Their response to the unmet needs is very toxic to the less privileged children they are accommodated. They face different forms of abuses comprising, physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Surely, we need these kids to be at a safe place.

Buhera Project

We are glad that in Buhera the construction of the church is now complete. The community members are very much delighted with the project, and many will benefit from the initiative. We are now looking forward building the parsonage and the soak away tank. Bricks are being mold for the sewer soak away. There is more work to do, and this important infrastructure is in dire need of completion. We continue for resources to continue progressing with the project. Communities will evidently benefit from especially the garden project in Buhera has been going on well. Different types of vegetables were grown over the past three boosted by the rainfall season. Even though raining season is not the best for gardening other green vegetables were successfully harvested. Others like tomatoes that do not favor much water were adversely affected. The next quarter really favors gardening and under normal circumstances more yields are experienced. We however, encountered a major setback to our borehole water production as our Solar Panels were stolen. This comes as a huge hindrance to the progress and benefaction of the community. With less production, less help is offered. Should resource permit the best way is replacing them and tighten the security.


Dawnview Children’s Home

Challenges: Security Fence, electricity reinstallation, new water booster pump, tiling, toilet repair and plumping, repainting, fixing door locks

Future Plans: Registration of the Children’s Home, taking in orphans.

Buhera projects

Challenges: Water is in short supply due to stolen solar panel for the borehole, the borehole system is prone to thieves, children’s club equipment

Solutions: Installation of solar panels, installation of security fence.

Future Plans: Personal Hygiene Drive Program (Community Based CARE) through the provision of reusable sanitary wear, undergarments for kids, body cream, bathing soap, bathing towels, toothpaste, toothbrush and so on, Skills Training Program, repairing of fowl runs, repairing goat kraal, Construction of Pastors’ Parsonage.

Daniel Academy –Dzivaresekwa

Challenges: Water meter stolen,

Solutions: replacement of the meter for water

Future Plans: Personal Hygiene Drive Program (Community Based CARE) through the provision of reusable sanitary wear, undergarments for kids, body cream, bathing soap, bathing towels, toothpaste, tooth brush and so on.

Daniel Academy Epworth

Challenges: Classroom block’s roof destroyed by wind, toilet swept away by wind, no water supply, toilet roof destroyed, floor need repair, intruders are building on school premises due to lack of security fence.

Solutions: installation of solar powered borehole,

Future Plans: Personal Hygiene Drive Program (Community Based CARE) through the provision of reusable sanitary wear, undergarments for kids, body cream, bathing soap, bathing towels, toothpaste, tooth brush and so on.

Sanitary Ware

Future Plans: Personal Hygiene drive (Home based care program) through the provision of reusable sanitary wear, undergarments for kids, body cream, bathing soap, bathing towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, building children’s Home.

Love Mercy Clinic-Dzivaresekwa


X-ray Machine is needed, security fence, wall painting, tiling

Borrowdale Children’s Home

Challenges: Water supply is in short supply due to water that has gone deep, need to partition rooms for kids as requested by social welfare.

Solutions: Solar installation, drilling more meters deeper, partitioning the rooms for kids.

Future Plans: Having a green house, renovation of fowl runs, expand poultry infrastructure, building prescribed cottages as per social welfare requirements. Personal Hygiene Drive Program (Community Based CARE) through the provision of reusable sanitary wear, undergarments for kids, body cream, bathing soap, bathing towels, toothpaste, toothbrush and so on.

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