In Voice of Peace we continue working hard serving orphans and vulnerable children providing conducive environment for them to learn, development and have fun!
A lot of children are growing in a very difficult environment where they can hardly put food on the table.
Guardians work tirelessly trying to make ends meet; but due to economic hardships, having a ray of hope in their lives is not an easy target to achieve.
We are grateful for the Bible lessons that are given to the children, The reading level of these children has increased each week by reading the Bible and their behavior is gradually changing. the community has reported that more and more are accepting to integrate Christian Values in their lives.
With the economic situation in Zimbabwe continue scrambling we are thankful to God for the food feeding programs that children are getting on Saturdays. Orphans and vulnerable children continue to suffer from malnutrition and a balanced diet being offered to them is of great importance.
Children Clubs are Increasing in numbers, we thank God for the children’s clubs that are growing every day; 2019-2020 has been of great importance to us. Number of orphans continue to rise in Zimbabwe leading to the need to provide Christian education, psycho-social support and therapy to heal children wounded in the daily struggles they face. Loosening emotional burdens elicited by traumatic events they experience and filling the void with the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; giving them hope and reasons to dream despite social illnesses surrounding them is our ultimate goal.
Education is key to success for many in a third world country like Zimbabwe. Opportunities usually fall first to the academics and those who have mastered a certain skill in life. Due to such facts and realities of life we believe in empowering orphans through education and technical skills.
We are grateful with the opportunity orphans are receiving and despites social illnesses challenging Epworth community some children are working extra hard to fulfill their dreams. We continue praying and hoping that great results will be achieved by those who will be writing their final examinations.
Adam- Obtained a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accountancy at NUST University. He continued his studies and now he is a qualified Chattered Accountant by profession. He is currently working for Pacific Cigarrete Company’s Finance Office in USA.
Adam Kamundi
from Dawnview Children's Home
Wisdom Nyama from Epworth was integrated at a very tender age by Voice of peace Organizatio, his involvement in different projects awarded him a position of being chosen by the government of Zimbabwe to be an ambassador for youth. He is serving under Global Cooperative Entrepreneurs (GCE).
Shephered Maguraushe graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy from Midlands State University
Elvis Bonyongwe passed with flying colors; Mathematics-A, Statistics-A and accounting-A (15 points). He is looking forward to pursue a career in Actuarial Sciences.
Chenjerai Mamhanda is now in his last year to be awarded a Bachelor's Degree in Agiculture.
In overall 38 children are in Polytechnics and Vocational Colleges; 12 are in College; over 40 are at Ordinary level and over 30 at Advanced level.
Prayer Request
· God to bless children in 2020
· God to help children pass and excel in school
· Children to continue loving God and serving Him more
· Facilitators to work hard with patience and kind hearts towards orphans throughout
· For the love and glory of God continue shining upon children for the whole year of 2020
· For orphans to get more support of stationary, school uniforms, school fees and decent
James 1:27 New International Version (NIV) ‘Religion that God our Father accepts
as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and
to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.’
To God be the Glory forever and ever!