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  • ChangeaLifeAdmin

Tanyaradzwa Children's Home Report December 2021

Currently there are 46 children. 3 managed to write their Ordinary level exams last year and are set to finish on the 25th of January this year. 16 children are at secondary school, three months and six months. We have four caregivers, two social workers and one general hand on the ground.

Our current projects include two pigs that littered on year’s day. It being their first time they littered six and eight piglets bringing the total to sixteen. Our horticulture project has tomatoes, beans, rape, green pepper and cove. These are mostly for subsistence. However, tomatoes are being sold to meet our electricity bills.

Our road runner project now has 125 birds, having sold 75 birds during the festive season. The 30 laying hens gave us a total of 42 crates or 1260 eggs during the last quarter of 2021. 30 crates were sold realizing $90usd while12 were consumed the grinding mill has been repaired once more and is only useful in preparing feeds for the pigs and chickens. We still need to replace the miller. The $90usd from the egg sells is saved towards buying a new miller.

Our church building also needs retouch. We need to build a proper hall and a budget is estimated at $9000usd. The ECD block also needs to be built at the same cost as well.

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