Graduation of the Matron and Superintendent of Emmanuel Homestead
The twelfth quarter saw the children closing and opening schools. All the children returned to school in good health.
Coordination activities continued during the course of the quarter. Our sustainable projects, piggery, traditional chickens and nutrition gardens did quite well in terms of productivity in this quarter. Three more pigs furrowed 21 piglets collectively. The arable land was cleared in preparation for the cropping season which had just began. The layers are laying eggs and are at 60% production. The vegetable garden did blossom in the quarter. A look and learn visit was done to one of the successful small livestock production plot in Masvingo.
All the children managed to go back to school in good health. Most of them (75%) did quite well in their second term exams. All the girls under the academically gifted program did exceptionally well. Those taking science subjects did exceptionally well and their dreams were revived during the sleep over night.
Following the injection of more funds towards foster parenting by Every Home for Christ, more orphans (10) were incorporated into the education support program particularly those in the rural area where a church sanctuary was commissioned- Chisiya.
Our strategy in programming involves spirituality first and foremost then social needs are met as a comprehension package. This is paying much dividends. Three youths in tertiary education are being supported too under his expanded program. The children’s nutritional status was good because of the balanced diet they normally receive.
Mitchell Marceline Tawananyasha
School Fees
School fees were paid for all the children at both primary and secondary levels. Again this quarter also saw some increases in school fees for both primary and secondary educations because of hyperinflation bedeviling our nation. The fees from primary education ranges from $100 bond notes to $180 per term whilst secondary education averages $400 bond notes. All our children at Shakashe Primary school were had been asked to pay $40 (43%) bond notes for food being supplemented at the school for the entire term. This is an increase from $23 charged last term. They are having lunch (meal) at school as a government directive in order to curb malnutrition in schools.
School Uniforms
School uniforms were procured for few children for both primary (5) and secondary (7) schools.
Life skills development remains a pivotal activity at Emmanuel Homestead with future prospects for our children. And as such, it has become incumbent upon the Home to deliberately expose children to life skills opportunities. The routine activities like feeding pigs, layers chickens, road runners, goats, and sheep were done. The children also assisted in clearing land in preparation for forthcoming summer season.
some of the art works of one of the girls in the academically gifted program.
Her artistic skills will definitely provide a livelihood for her.
The children assisted in clearing the land in preparation for the summer season.
Zimbabwe being an agroeconomic country requires children to know much about crop and animal farming just to prepare them for life. The government has encouraged agriculture to be done even at primary level. As an orphanage we have also embraced the same for the good of the children.
Much progress has also been registered in the completion of housing units. Currently, two more housing units have been plastered save for flooring of one. The outstanding work shall be completed in this quarter. Social services shall be coming for the inspection exercise in this quarter as preliminaries to registration.
Three pigs(gilts) farrowed 18 piglets within the quarter collectively. Production is on the increase and we are fast approaching our target of 120 pigs by year end. Both the mothers and the piglets are in good health.
We bought 7 sheep and goats to revamp our herd at the orphanage. One of the goats gave birth to a healthy kid within the quarter. The sheep and goats are now at the orphanage and their house is still under construction. We envisage to increase the herd by year end.
Vegetable and Crop production
Nationally, we are currently facing water shortages and Masvingo is not spared. As such, vegetable gardening is somehow difficult to grow vegetables. However, because of the growing need, the nutrition garden still thrives at the backyard. At the moment tomatoes, rape, covo, carrots, green pepper and onions were planted. .
Traditional chickens
The number of traditional chickens was stagnant because of household consumption. The chicks only helped to even out the number of those eaten. All in all 22 birds are currently at the homestead. A look and learn exercise conducted helped us to understand how best the birds can be multiplied. This shall be employed at the homestead thus multiplying the number of birds. Following the loss of some birds to predators in the previous quarter, a fowl run above the ground was erected to circumvent the problem.
More birds(10 of each), guinea fowls, turkeys and traditional chickens were bought in this quarter to increase our breeding lot.
Layers project
Children from Emmanuel
One of the children had a birthday during the course of the quarter. A party was thrown for him and it was celebration all over the place. We had time to minister to him in word and prayer encouraging him and the rest of the team to be grateful unto the Lord. It was also opportune time to reflect on his dreams and revive them.
The sleep over for the children and the matron at the matron’s place for the reporting period was again a success. Children were excited and they conducted much of the items on the agenda. One of the girls led the devotions and worship. The other led the discussion on the review of the second school term where they had to share on their successes, failures, aspirations and challenges faced during the term. They also had a chance to share on best practices on their different experiences. One of the best practices shared was that of one child who gave herself a target of obtaining not less than 8As in the subjects that she does at school. She had challenges of lighting for her studies but however tried to make much use of the daylight.
Another one is that of a young boy (Tawananyasha) who is in the last grade of primary education and his target was not only to score As in the 5 primary school subjects but to obtain an outstanding marks in the A grade. He focused more on research using the requesting for extra work from his teachers. They both manage to achieved their target.
A worship night was conducted during the course of the quarter. The objective was to teach children and adults on true worship as well as grooming talent. The turn out was good and believers were encouraged and their confidence boosted to sincerely worship God in spirit and truth
This quarter also saw the graduation of the Matron and Superintendent of Emmanuel Homestead. The two underwent three year diploma course in Biblical Studies with Cornerstone Bible Academy. This was indeed was a blissful and historical moment.
One of the Foster Parent Fostered boy studying Pharmacy
The foster families have been doing well in the reporting period. They have been able to receive food assistance and medical assistance. One of the foster parent fell sick and was assisted in seeking medical attention which saw the doctor suspecting that her problems with her chest and back pains were being caused by too much manual work. She was given some medication and is now recovering and the community has planned on easing the workload for the old woman who takes care of two orphans.
The two young man who went for tertiary education have commenced and are doing very well. One girl, from the other foster family, is writing her A level final exam in October. The families are benefiting from the gardens and internal savings and lending trainings they received. This has seen an improvement on the disposable income for the family and the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables from their gardens.
Luveve sanctuary was commissioned on the 14th of July 2019. The sanctuary was built courtesy of ICM collaborating with the CFI church. Praise God for the good work. I was honored to officiate the commissioning of the sanctuary by the national overseer, Dr Ndlovu on behalf of the Senior Pastor Dr C. Chitapa. The commissioning exercise went on well.
The orphanage has gotten into yet another partnership with Rugare Community Relief Services(RUCORS). The organization is into orphan care with support in education, economic empowerment and psychosocial support. At the moment our partnership hinges on information sharing because of the harsh economic conditions.
Most of the previously formed groups continued to make individual contributions monthly. The children((girls) were trying but have somehow failed to continue due to the ever increasing prices of commodities, yet they have limited time to buy and sell due to school commitments. The groups do monthly collections and give one person to embark on a business of some sort and return the amount at a profit monthly, though inflation is a major threat to the efforts.
In this quarter of project implementation, the following were the challenge faced:
· Hyperinflation continued to be a major setback with the daily rising of commodities (food staff, stationary, uniforms, animal feeds, vaccination, medication, fuel etc.)
· Our borehole was not producing enough water thus water was ferried from outside the home at times because of the high demand due to construction
In the subsequent quarter we envisage the following:
1. Support for foster parenting and tertiary education continued
2. Training of more Foster parents
3. Training of entrepreneurs
4. Sleep over night for the girls and distribution of hygiene packs
5. Support visit to Tanyaradzwa in Murehwa
6. Expansion of vegetable garden and pigsty
7. Establishment of a fruit tree orchard.
8. Borehole drilling
We are grateful unto the Lord for the continued partnership with Change A Life Foundation, Every Home for Christ and the support from Dr Cleopas Chitapa and our senior church leadership and Cornerstone Fellowship International at large. We also acknowledge the partnership with International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) which has seen us construct a number of churches in Zimbabwe