Schools closed in March after opening in January 2024. Most of the children scored high marks in their exams and a sizeable number received some accolades based on performance. All the children were in good health.
School fees were paid up for all the children under out care. Hyperinflation remained a challenge as prices of goods and commodities continued to rise uncontrollably.
One of our boys got three academic awards during the end of term exams. The above award is only given to a student with 20 points upwards. He managed to score 20 points.
We are grateful unto the Lord for such an achievement.
Life skills were instilled in the children through household daily chores, gardening, chicken goat and pig feeding. Most of the field activities were confined to land preparation, sowing and weeding.
This section looked at piggery, broilers, road runners, broilers, crop farming and vegetable gardens.
A total of 900 broilers were kept during the quarter. These were taken in batches since there is limited space. The first batch was sold out.
Road Runners
A total of 100 chickens was available at the Homestead. Fifteen roadrunners were slaughtered during the period. 8 more chicks were added during the quarter.
Feed was bought to supplement to their daily food requirements. All the birds are in good health, and they feed as groups.
Crop Farming
We harvested maize crop during the period and a total of 18 buckets were gathered. The season was rather dry because of scarcity of rains. We therefore thank the Lord for such a harvest. We are still yet to harvest the sugar beans and sweet potatoes.
Vegetable Production
The backyard garden has been revived and tomatoes, onions, rape and cove were thriving.
Children enjoyed ministry during Sunday services. The 20th anniversary of our church (region) was characterized by a lot of excitement by everyone including the children.
Ladies' ministry in our region (You Excel) convened a fellowship meeting at Muchakata as an evangelism drive. They invited some other women in the area just to establish rapport with them eventually witnessing to them.
On a sad note, one of our church member lost a husband. We convened at their homestead to support and console her. The church had an opportunity to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our regular church outreaches in three places yielded a total of 12 souls who gave their lives to Jesus.
A refresher course for Caregivers was conducted and psychosocial support was provided. The attendees were taught on bereavement, grief and mourning. They were also encouraged to do a memory project following the memory blanket they did. Such training capacitates carers to deal with their own life situations and heal first. Oversight of such training may interfere with their delivery especially when working with children.
Partnerships continued during the course of the quarter. We gathered as Change A Life Foundation family as we shared ideas on childcare, sustainable projects and stakeholder engagement.
Foster children were taught on budgeting and the above exercise indicated that the children had understood. As a nation, we are living in a highly inflationary environment hence budgeting had to be taught to these children just to prepare them for life.
Some of the boys enjoyed themselves at the orphanage during the weekend. The two boys who are autistic were sharing jokes with their brother. Socialization is the way of life and facilitates growth of children.
Halfway Home in Chikarudzo was built up to roof level and floored again. Two housing units are being established to house children who are under privileged and capacitate them in terms of skills like carpentry, brick laying, welding etc. The houses will also accommodate children being rehabilitated who are suffering from drug and substance abuse rampant in our nation.
Coordination continued with sister children homes continued, Rose of Sharon,
Tanyaradzwa, Horizon Zimbabwe children's homes, Esteemed Children Trust and Scripture Union.
In this quarter of project implementation, the following were the challenge faced:
Hyperinflation remains the common challenge resulting in exorbitant prices
for commodities.
School fees hikes were a major challenge at all levels, primary, secondary
and tertiary. We had to drop other children from the program because of this
The increasing need of children in terms of education support continues to rise.
In the subsequent quarter we envisage the following:
Continued crop and horticulture project
School fees payment for the children and youths.
Purchase of feeds and medication for the animals
Conduct a Youth and children camp meeting at Emmanuel Homestead
Women and girls economic empowerment training
Embark on massive broiler and rabbit business
Administrative obligations
We are grateful unto the Lord for the continued partnership with Every Home for Christ
Canada, Change A Life Foundation and International Cooperating Ministries.