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Emmanuel Homestead Report December 2021

This quarter had the following activities, children’s schooling, sustainable projects, foster parenting, children and youth ministry, evangelism just to mention but a few. Activities were relaxed because of upliftment of Covid-19 restrictions.

Schools closed following the end of the term in December. Quite a number of children passed their examinations and were given awards just to encourage them to continue being diligent in their studies. Awards were given from the lower grade, Early Child Development (ECD) up to university level.

School fees and uniforms were purchased in this previous long term. The Covid-19 restrictions previously imposed caused the term to be longer, starting from September through to December.

Children were involved in some life skills routine activities like weeding, feeding of pigs, traditional chickens, guinea fowls, turkeys and rearing of goats and sheep.

The Home has embarked on a program to revive the projects following deaths of most animals in the past two years. The Veterinary experts have been engaged in procurement of the right species or breed for the area. We have purchased 4 gilts and 1 boar from a renowned pig breeder in Masvingo.

The road runners did quite well in the quarter and above 20 chickens were added. We also started a layers project to generate some income from egg selling. The Home purchased a total of 129 point of lay birds towards Christmas. This shall ensure a steady flow of income monthly. The idea is to grow the layers project and also grow other projects like piggery, road runners, turkey and guinea fowl etc. Their health status is good and they have begun to lay eggs. We also purchased feed and some medication for the layers. The goats and sheep are still yet to be purchased from two different places between January and February. Most of the animals we had identified were still nursing.

Crop farming

The summer season started well with much rains being received in December. Our maize crop is on knee level and quite healthy. Cowpeas and groundnuts were also sown and doing quite well. The entire 1.5 hectares has been completely covered with crops.


The above garden flourished during the quarter because of abundant rains the Lord provided. The orchard also blossomed because of abundant rains.

Children and Youth Ministry

Christmas party celebrations were conducted in December after closure of schools. It was indeed a moment of bliss and enjoyment in the Lord as children reflected on the words of the Apostle Paul, Rejoice in the Lord, again l say rejoice. Children were very much elated as they danced to the tune of music, a practice that is common this side of the continent.

The party was coupled with the appreciation of the local Pastors. It was indeed an eventful day which has gone into the annals of history.

Generally the children and youth ministry grew steadily in the course of the quarter following the Covid-19 restrictions which hindered physical meetings.

Youth outing was done in September and was well attended. More than 35 youths gathered at Emmanuel Homestead for this function.

Breakaway session Plenary

Several teachings were conducted on career guidance, purposeful living, life skills development, economic empowerment, peer education, dating and courtship (youths), loving the Lord among other topics.

Evangelism continued in both Masvingo city and rural districts. Close to 15 people gave their lives to Christ. EHC Zimbabwe supplied gospel tracts to CFI church and other church partners. More than 30 people got born again through collective outreaches in Masvingo and Chiredzi districts. Prisoners also got an opportunity to hear Gods word and received material goods from church partners.

Through the ICM project, where CFI church is constructing sanctuaries in 4 areas, some families gave their lives to Christ. Gospel tracts were distributed in these areas.

A leadership development workshop was conducted with most leaders including godly and foster parents in Masvingo district. Leaders were taught on vision, mission and core values of CFI church. Spiritual leadership was taught in a bid to have this group of leaders who would assist in bring up the children in the ways of the Lord in the proper biblical way. Leaders were encouraged to grow as individuals through personal development programs. They were also taught to come up with monthly plans with specific goals so that progress would be monitored easily. The leaders were given evangelism targets to meet before the next church anniversary in March 2022.

The church organization continues to enjoy partnerships with umbrallar bodies like National Association for Non Governmental Organization(NANGO), Zimbabwe Aids Network(ZAN), Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children(ZNCWC) and Masvingo Association for Residential Care Facilities Trust(MARCFT). We continued to enjoy our CAL coordination engagement with Rose of Sharon, Esteemed Children Trust, Horizon Zimbabwe and Tanyaradzwa children's home.

Foster parenting was expanded from 6 homes to 12 during the course duration. This was attributed to much evangelism which identified some vulnerable children who required foster parenting. The construction of sanctuaries in four areas and subsequent evangelism assisted in the expansion of the program. Most of the homes are in the rural areas. There is therefore need to embark on foster training so that quality services are provided to the children by the godly parents.

The common activities in most foster homes includes household chores, gardening, animal feeding, bible studies, prayer, studying of the word, career guidance, economic empowerment, children games, poems, dramas etc.

The raising of able ministers has just begun as we see the children being brought up in the ways of the Lord. They have begun to conduct their own meetings with little adult supervision.

“l am glad EHC and Don are helping us with school fees. Thank you very much for your help. Without your help we could have stopped going to school” Mitchel (Grade 4 pupil)

“We continue to be grateful to EHC Canada and all their supporters for making our academic lives a possibility. May the Lord truly bless you abundantly” Karren (Lower 6 student)

“Truly our career lives would have come to a halt if it were not for EHC Canada. Today we enjoy our career pursuit with the unequivocal support from EHC. Honestly, my academic life was doomed had it not been for EHC. Thank you Pastor for soliciting for such matchless support from EHC and CAL.” Tinovimba, a university student

Four church buildings are being constructed in Masvingo District at Mashate, Muchakata, Chikarudzo and Mapanzure. All the sanctuaries are at roof level.


Coordination continued with sister children homes continued, Rose of Sharon, Tanyaradzwa, Horizon Zimbabwe and Esteemed Children Trust. Reports were gathered and consolidated from last year’s progress.


In this quarter of project implementation, the following were the challenge faced:

  • Hyperinflation remains the common challenge resulting in exorbitant prices for commodities.

  • Covid-19 pandemic was also a challenge since it limited movement and association with

Future plans

In the subsequent quarter we envisage the following:

  • Conduct Foster parenting training for godly parents

  • Expansion of foster care program

  • School fees payment, training of child entrepreneurs

  • Youths outing and children jumping castle

  • Growing of agricultural crops and rearing of layer Gathering of purchased pigs.

  • Purchase of feeds and medication for the animals

  • Prayer convention for godly parents, foster parents and children Expansion of layers project

  • Purchase of goats and sheep

  • Purchase of building for commencement of school education project


We are grateful unto the Lord for the continued partnership with Every Home for Christ Canada, Change A Life Foundation and International Cooperating Ministries.

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