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Emmanuel Homestead Tenth Quarterly Update Report

Updated: May 18, 2019


Sunday School Ministering


The tenth quarter saw the children opening of schools at the beginning of the year. Two of our A level students passed with flying colors and are proceeding to university for tertiary education. The grade 7 students secured places at different schools for secondary education.

Coordination activities continued during the course of the quarter. The orphanage was accepted as a member organization for two umbrella bodies, Zimbabwe Aids Network and National Association for Non Governmental Organization (NANGO).

Our sustainable projects did quite well in terms of productivity in this quarter. Two of the pigs furrowed 18 piglets collectively. Three more are expected to furrow by the end of this month. The cropping season saw the maturation of our maize crop. Thank God for the rains we received late in the season, which matured the crop. The first batch of broilers matured mid-February, and the second batch is expected to be ready for marketing by the end of March. The layers are expected to start laying eggs mid-March. The vegetable garden is being revamped following temporal stoppage because of too much rain.


Two of our boys who set for the A level exams passed with flying colors. Philip Muzenda (our Regional Youth leader) came out with 14 points and has applied for a Bachelor of Medicine degree at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). His friend Praise got 23 points and shall be enrolling for Actuarial Sciences. Both will be commencing their tertiary education in April 2019. All the children continued to enjoy sound health by grace. Their nutritional status is good because of the balanced diet they normally receive. We applaud the efforts offered by the Matron together with their team at the Homestead.

School Fees:

School fees were fully paid for all the children at both primary and secondary levels. There were no slight increases requested this quarter by schools to cushion them.

School Uniforms:

School uniforms were procured in this quarter for our ECD classes and those getting into secondary level (Form 1).


Outlook of the housing units at Emmanuel homestead


Life skills development continue to be pivotal at Emmanuel Homestead in a bid to capacitate and prepare the children for the future. This rainy season saw children involved in crop(maize and bean) farming, feeding of goats, layers, roadrunners and pigs. Some repairs were done to the pigsty and some children were involved. We have seen of late that children learn by imitation. When they see adults doing some work, they then mimic them and in so doing develop some interest.

Children were clearing land for the bean field. As they embark on these activities they are being capacitated and empowered for future life.


The 18 piglets furrowed early March are growing well and their mothers are in good health. We are grateful unto the Lord for such production that has been realized in this quarter. Three more pigs are yet to farrow early April. By year end we are expecting to have a total of 120 pigs. We acknowledge the good work done by the caretaker.

Vaccination of the piglets was done for disease prevention. Notching and tail cutting was also done for identification purposes. Also layers were vaccinated against New Castle.

Vaccination of Birds and Piglets

Crop production:

The maize crop did quite well following the rains received in the beginning of the year. Most of the crops have matured save for the second batch which is expected to have matured by the end of March. The children are enjoying the maize cobs now (green mealies). More land was cleared for the bean seed.

Traditional chickens:

The traditional chickens continued to do quite well in the season and an additional 25 chicks were hatched. We lost 4 to predators at the Homestead. By year end, we expect to expand the project to more than 300 birds. Some birds (10) succumbed to New Castle, however the rest were successfully vaccinated.

Layers project

The layers are growing well and are 18 weeks old. We expect them to lay eggs anytime now. The broiler project continued in this quarter and 2 batches were raised. The first batch matured at the end of February and was sold to the restaurant and the second batch is 3 weeks old. The exorbitant prices of both feed and chicks has caused us to limit the numbers to be kept at one goal. Some broilers succumbed to New Castle and we lost 8 chicks from the second batch.

Layers Broilers 1st batch


Sunday school pupils Ministering to children Church service at Emmanuel Homestead

Sunday school ministering

Sunday services continue to be conducted at Emmanuel Homestead. Our Sunday school pupils are growing spiritually. They can now recite memory verses and narrate what will have been covered during Wednesday bible studies on Sunday. More and more children are being attracted to this group because of the vibrant ministry.

Every week besides the daily ministry of the Elder, the local Pastor has some time to minister to the children. Sunday service attendance at Emmanuel homestead continues to improve as witnessing has been intensified in the local area.


Evangelism was confined in Masvingo City where nine people got born again. The church is growing in leaps and bounds and discipleship groups have been started so that the believers are rooted in the word (Col 2:6-7, 3:16).


The orphanage has gotten into partnership with other umbrella bodies namely Zimbabwe Aids Network and(ZAN), National Association for Non Governmental Organizations (NANGO) on the programming arm. These partnerships assist in information sharing as well as networking, which strengthens relationships thus improving on effectiveness of the organization.


Coordination continued with sister children homes, Rose of Sharon, Tanyaradzwa and Voice of Peace children homes. The welfare of the children is good in all homes despite the hard economic situation in our nation. All of the homes have embarked on income generating activities to fend for the homes. These activities range from poultry keeping to crop and vegetable farming. Hyperinflation is the common challenge in all homes, which has seen prices of food skyrocketing. There has been food budget reviews every month because of inflation.

As a team we continue to look unto the Lord so that our nation is healed from this economic situation.


In the tenth quarter of project implementation, the following were the challenge faced:

1. Hyperinflation resulted in exorbitant prices for commodities.

2. Two of our houses succumbed to strong winds during the day and the roof was removed however they have since been fixed. Fortunately the children were not indoors but at school.


In the tenth quarter we envision the following:

1. Payment of school fees for the children for term two

2. Support for foster parenting and tertiary education

3. Attending the national Youth conference in Bulawayo

4. Training of caregivers on food preparation, processing, preservation and storage(4Ps)

5. Sleep over night for the girls and distribution of hygiene packs

6. Support visit to Rose of Sharon in Harare

7. Expansion of vegetable garden and pigsty

8. Establishment of a fruit tree orchard

9. Deepening of well(borehole)


Item Amount

Sustainable projects-broilers (batch 1) 960

Traditional chickens 200

Manure from pigs and birds 80

Vegetables 60

Total 1300

Less Expenditure 950

Profit 350


We are grateful unto the Lord for the continued partnership with Change a Life Foundation, International Cooperating Ministries and Every Home for Christ.

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